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Presentation Download brochure The university hospital “Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer” (AOU Meyer) is a public hospital structure with autonomous management from the point of view of business development, organization, administration, patrimony, accounting and technique.

The AOU Meyer is part of the national health system, within the division of the region of Tuscany. It is integrated with the University [of Florence] with which it carries out assistance, teaching and research.
The hospital is renowned for its diagnosis, care and rehabilitation of young patients, who may be admitted until age 18 (after which plans are made for continued care elsewhere).

The AOU Meyer is a highly specialized paediatric hospital and is the national reference center for complex cases. It has 250 general medicine beds and all the areas of paediatric medicine and surgery are available.
High assistance levels are reached through modern technology, research and new therapies mixed with humanity and services for young patients and their families.

The building is located at the foot of the hills of the city of Florence and is 32,671 square meters large, with 5,000 square meters of garden space on terraces and on its roof. A huge park (72,000 square meters) surrounds it.
Some 1,000 people work at Meyer with permanent contracts.
The AOU Meyer’s legal registered address is in Florence at viale Gaetano Pieraccini, 24. For information about the use of the company logo and brand please see the Legal Notes section. donwload the Charter of Valuese Management Director
Paolo Morello Marchese

Directorate Secretariat
Tel. 055 5662280 055 5662301
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